This is a story that has passed into legend. In other words, I can’t specifically remember who was involved or where it even came from. Maybe it never happened.
But the lesson remains the same. Take feedback and advice for what it’s worth, but you do you.
Picture two whitewater kayakers making their way down a raging river. One is a little bit ahead and sees what’s coming. It looks a bit daunting. The rushing waters are very loud so he has to shout back his thoughts on the proceedings.
“Sheer Stupidity!”
The other kayaker also has a bit of a view of what’s coming. It looks exciting. He knows he can do it. He sees his partner is shouting back. What he hears:
“Shoosty booty!”
Emboldened by his excitement and the nonsensical words of encouragement coming from his friend he shouts back:
“Yeah! Shoosty booty, baby!”
and heads down the raging river, over some falls, through the rapids for the ride of his life.
Maybe it was sheer stupidity, but it was definitely shoosty booty. If advice is shouted to you as you are navigating the waters, try to hear it. But also trust your gut, believe in yourself and go for it as you see fit. You may just have the ride of your life.
“Rapids” flickr photo by Dawn Endico shared under a Creative Commons (BY-SA) license