Gettin’ Air Show Notes and Stuff

Photo by Pamela Saunders on Unsplash

Gettin’ Air is a podcast/radio show which plays on Friday mornings at 9 a.m. ET on and then is posted as a podcast here.

Gettin’ Air: The Song

The opening and closing song, by Calgary punk band Chixdiggit, can be found here: You can buy the album if you want. It’s great fun.


Below I will add show notes and descriptions. The newest one will appear at the top.

Autumm Caines

Gettin’ Air with Autumm Caines (@autumm), Critical Instructional Designer at University of Michigan- Dearborn. Autumm’s approach to using technology in learning is to take a critical, questioning look at the tools we use and how they may be using us. Her work enables learners to embrace and take ownership of their digital citizenship. Listen to find out how Autumm herself is a liminal space.

Links and things discussed in the episode:

Autumm’s domain

Domains 19 Conference site


The Architecture of Student Privacy: Stakes, Significances, and Approaches to Student Data – One of Autumm’s talks at Domains

Domain of One’s Own in the Liberal Arts – Autumm’s other talk at Domains

Screening Surveiilance films

Septima Clark

Dr. Jessica L. Knott

Dr. Jessica L. Knott (@jlknott) is Head of LX Research and Professional Development @MSUHub. Jess’s focus on Learning Experience Design works to centre the human in the learning experience in order to make them the epic hero of their own stories. She also wears Hufflepuff robes, despite being a Ravenclaw, to meetings with the @Sqdglsntwk

James GlapaGrossklag

James GlapaGrossklag (aka James GG) @JGlapaGrossklag is Dean, Educational Technology, Learning Resources and Distance Learning at the College of the Canyons in California. James has long been one of the Open Education Movement’s most tireless advocates through his incredible work with the Open Education Consortium and the Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources #OER.

Audrey Watters

Gettin’ Air with Audrey Watters (@audreywatters). Audrey Watters is an ed-tech folk hero who writes at Hack Education (@hackeducation) where, for the past nine years, she has taken the lead in keeping the field on its toes in regards to educational technology’s “progress”. Her long awaited and much anticipated book, “Teaching Machines”, will be out in the new year.


Transcript (editing in progress):

Hack Education:

Contrafabulists podcast with Audrey Watters and Kin Lane:

Teaching Machines site for updates on the book’s progress:

Ken Bauer

Gettin’ Air with Ken Bauer (@ken_bauer). It’s a crossover episode! Ken Bauer is the host of the Ask The Flipped Learning Network podcast (@askthefln) and an associate professor of #CompSci@TecDeMonterrey in Guadalajara. We chat about our respective podcasts, Virtually Connecting, Open Education, hockey, tacos and a wide variety of things in between.

Ken beat me to it with show notes, so let’s just go see his! See below.

Sherri Spelic

Gettin’ Air with Sherri Spelic, the Edified Listener. Sherri is revered for her avid and voracious writing on the Edified Listener blog (  ) and she is the editor of Identity, Education and Power ( … …) Also, coming up this summer, Sherri will be leading the Digital Identity track at the Digital Pedagogy Lab. This episode also includes bonus co-host Baby Hattie asking the hard hitting questions.

Digital Identity at DigPedLab

The game Sherri played with Maha’s students:

Audrey Watters’ site:

Maha Bali’s blog:

Tressie McMillan Cottom on Twitter

Matt Crosslin

Matt Crosslin (@grandeped) is the Learning Innovation Coordinator for the Learning Innovation and Networked Knowledge (LINK) Research Lab at The University of Texas at Arlington. Have a listen to get some insight into intriguing things like the dual layered MOOC, self-mapped learning pathways, heutagogy, meta-modernism, Sloodle, Creating Online Learning Experiences and of course, ed-tech retro-futurism. We also find out about a fabulous #OER that Matt and his colleagues made for us called Creating Online Learning Experiences.

Open Textbook: Creating Online Learning Experiences

SLOODLE, A Spaceship Landed In Your Backyard and other game projects

Matt on Twitter

LINK Research Lab

EDUGeek Journal

Tom Evans

Gettin’ Air with Tom Evans (@taevans). Tom is the Manager of Open Learning at THE Ohio State University. Tom discusses what it takes to design MOOCs remembering that there are real, live humans taking the course, the power of the GIF, and what music young grandfathers are listening to these days.

Ohio State Open Learning

Ohio State’s Open Courses on Canvas

Ohio State’s podcasts (not sure if I mentioned, but I also oversee podcasting at OSU)

Slack channel for writing/creative encouragement (open to all)

Tom’s grandson’s two favorite books at the moment

Walk the Dog – Bob Barner

Moo, Baa, La La La – Sandra Boynton

Tom’s hand-picked musical recommendations (links out to artist page on Spotify)

Olafur Arnalds (Icelandic composer. Tom’s favorite musician at the moment)

Hammock (ambient post-rock from the US)

Slow Meadow (ambient chamber music from the US)

Nils Frahm (brilliant piano/keyboardist/experimentalist from Germany)

Alaskan Tapes (out of Ontario!)

Immanu El (Moody Swedish music)

Tom on Twitter

Tom’s Folder of Gifs and Memes (my ever-expanding personal collection, open for all)

Gardner Campbell

Gettin’ Air with Gardner Campbell (@GardnerCampbell). Gardner is Associate Professor of English at Virginia Commonwealth University. We chat about some of the deliciously innovative pedagogical adventures he has driven out into the Open Education landscape including The Great VCU Bike Race Book, the Englebert Framework Project. We also learn how you can leverage Virginia Apgar’s visage in your pedagogy.

Apgar score for your class:

The Great VCU Bike Race: and

Open Ed 16 Keynote:

The Eureka Hunt:

I Annotate Conference

Gardner Writes:

The Englebart Framework Project:

PressEd Conference Team – Natalie Lafferty and Pat Lockley

Gettin’ Air Season 2, Episode 35 with the @PressEdConf team of Natalie Lafferty (@nlafferty) and Pat Lockley (@pgogy). The second PressEdConf (#PressEdConf2019) wrapped up last month. It’s a conference fully delivered on Twitter with speakers and keynotes from across the world discussing their use of WordPress in education. Natalie, Pat and Terry discuss just how to organize a conference that happens nowhere and everywhere! (episode will release on on May 17, 2019)

Conference Site:

The conference that inspired PressEdx:

The Mock Turtles

Want to help fund this?

All the Twitter moments:

NodeXL Graph Gallery

Krista Mccracken

Gettin’ Air Season 2, Episode 34 with Krista Mccracken @kristamccracken (They/Them). Krista is a Public Historian and Archivist. They work in the Shingwauk Residential Schools Centre at Algoma University and as an editor at  . They are also a newly minted @ecampusontario Open Education Fellow! Terry and Krista chat about their copious amounts of work in and around the development of Open Educational Resources and Practices. See the show notes here to dig deeper:


Cards Against Environmental History

OE Fellowship

OER in Other Languages Project

Beyond the lecture OER

National Council on Public History Conference

Rolin Moe

Gettin’ Air Season 2, Episode 33 with Rolin Moe. Rolin is Seattle Pacific University’s Director of Academic Innovation. He describes his work as “connective tissue” as he turns pedagogical research into best practices in action. Have a listen and check out his page at  to see just how brilliant and dynamic Rolin’s work really is.

Here are things we chat about:

The Open Education Conference


OLC Innovation Installation

Edutechnicalities Podcast

David Kernohan at OpenEd 13

Adam Croom’s Open Data Scrape

Bonni Stachowiak

Gettin’ Air Season 2, Episode 32 with Bonni Stachowiak (@bonni208). Bonni is host of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast ( ). To help Bonni celebrate the 250 episode AND million download milestones her podcast recently passed, Terry surprised Bonni by collecting all the questions from Bonni’s former podcast guests. Bonni’s thoughtful answers brought laughs and tears and lots of other feelings in between.

Here are the things that come up in the chat:

Not Yet-Ness



Microsoft Teams



Microsoft Flow

Sean Cassidy

Jazz Improvisation 

Christian Friedrich

Gettin’ Air Season 2, Episode 31 with Christian Friedrich (@friedelitis) Christian is the Education and Science Advisor to Wikimedia Deutschland and he is one half of the world’s best German speaking Open Education podcast called “Feierabendbier”. We chat about some of the differences in higher ed between Germany and North America, among other things.

Wikimedia Deutschland


Feierabendbeier Open Education

Towards Openness

Dave Cormier

Gettin’ Air Season 2 Episode 30 with Dave Cormier (@davecormier). Dave has been doing amazing “educationy thingies” for 21 years. We discuss what it’s like to have coined a term that is in the Oxford English Dictionary (MOOC) and how he feels about that. We also chat about his recent experience as Digital Pedagogy Lab Toronto where he lead the Open Pedagogy track.

Open Pedagogy track and the Wall of Sadness at Digital Pedagogy Lab Toronto

Could the Korean Film Dave was in be one of these?

CCK08 – The first MOOC


Choral Explanations

Amy Collier and Martha Burtis

Previous Episodes – (stay tuned!) 

Photo by Pamela Saunders on Unsplash
