Hole Un-Punched

Some meanie named Roy Stryker hole punched a bunch of Great Depression era photos because he didn’t like them. Today ds106 Daily Creators are trying to help unpunch them and give them new life. My first attempt was a light-hearted jab (light-hearted is something new I’m trying) in which I try to show that Stryker was just trying to hide this guy’s serious smoking addiction.

But then I wanted to cheer up a more serious one. Who hole punches a baby’s head? For shame, Styker!



For this I used the latest in disruptive Educational Technology: The Samsung Galaxy S5 Kids Mode App. Specifically, the camera bit that automatically pops a silly hat on your head. I did it in the most professional way possible: I used my phone to take a picture of the picture on my desktop. Top quality ensued. If the results could speak for themselves, they would maybe chuckle lightly. Now he has pictures with a birthday hat, a toque, a cowboy hat, a daredevil helmet, a cute little sunhat and I couldn’t resist giving him a little mustache and beard, too. A little bit of hole punch shows here and there, but I ain’t no perfectionist! Take that, Stryker ya dink!


Post Lots of Bill: A Week of Shakespeare Creates

I’m not much of a Shakespeare buff (yet! There’ still time) but I do think he is pretty cool. It’s nice to have the chance to use the word buff, too, even if it’s in the negative. My favorite play from Bill is MacBeth. That story always cheers me up.

All this week Daily Creates have been to post imagery to do with various lines from Shakespeare. When I assemble all five of my posts in one spot here I predict we will see that the whole is weaker than the sum of its parts. Let’s find out! (insert Law and Order WAB WAB sound)

Day One: 

I used @mhawksey’s wibbly wobbly timey wimey thing from OER16 to make it seem like Yorick was at the conference. He wasn’t for reals though!yOERick.png Day 2:

I took this picture of this pretty lady for Day 2. She totally doth.

she doth.png

Day 3:

Find a photograph that captures the words of Shakespeare. Even better if you can go beyond the literal.

I subverted some of Bill’s words from Macbeth to say thanks to Open Educators like the DS106 crew.


Day 4:

Dream? Bottom? Sandy says Bottom is a donkey. Make something to illustrate Shakespeare’s words.

I ran through about 50 different vague ideas here but they all involved butts and bums…I thought I needed more coffee to get through this. And then it hit me! Also, the grand return of my low-intermediate MS Paint Skills!

bottoms dream
Bottom’s Dream: Bottomless Coffee Cup

And Day 5:

 As previously mentioned. I’m not much of a Bill buff, so I had to think about this one and what it meant. I didn’t think too deeply though because this ended up involving a chat box and Kijiji, of course.


There you have it, I hope you enjoyed an inconsistent and innocuous week of Shakespeare through me!

O Well Done!

Daily Create 1564 Find a photograph that captures the words of Shakespeare. I found a picture under CCO public domain here and borrowed it. I then found some of Bill’s words in a little known play called MacBeth. It’s a Rom-Com, I believe. Anyway I think I’m subverting Bill’s words. In the play it is Hecate thanking the witches for being baddies. I’m using the words to thank those out there who are into sharing and promoting Open Education. Thanks y’all!

This Cedar is not Alone

Daily Create 1559 This here tree is not alone per se. It is among friends. But it is living its life its own way, in its own direction. Not straight up like those other unexciting, assembly line sheep-trees. It chose not to grow up, but up and over. When you look at the picture, do you notice the straight up trees? No, because they are boring. You look at the brave leaning tree because it is different and it doesn’t care what the other trees think. The other trees are cool about it, though. Trees don’t bully each other. They are trees.

Anyway, the leaning tree spent its whole life growing up and to the left not knowing that one day, two small, purple-covered entities would wander in to the little tableau it had so dominated its whole life and join it to form nature’s % symbol… or maybe more of a crooked ÷ symbol. Luckily, I was there to record the moment and save it for all humanity and treemanity.


Grids and Gestures

TDC1555 My Day in Grids and Gestures… I did grids, but my gestures are more like just shapes… I only had 5-10 minutes though and it’s Monday morning so gimme a break!

Here’s a vague legend into what you’re looking at represented: sleep, water, sounds, smiles, mouse clicks, biking, sliding, swinging, eating, viewing, water, a little bit of time to ourselves and sleep again. And then do it again tomorrow! It’s a pretty good set up.

The Power of 4

DS106 Daily Create #1552 You probably have heard of the number 4, but did you know that it was a very powerful number? More powerful than 3, that’s for sure. Today we celebrate the power of number 4 and all the things you can do with it.

Let’s get down to the nitty-gritty business of this all. Why is 4 so powerful? It’s simple. The number FOUR is the owner/operator of the ALL POWERFUL FOUR LETTER WORD.

So today, I make art to honour the 4 letter word and today you should use one of them on someone who irritates you. The S-word, the F-word, the C-word, The H-word, The U-word (haha there’s no 4 letter U-word I gotcha!). Enjoy, but remember to use your powers wisely.


Almost a Billboard

Daily Create 1548 is to find yourself on a billboard and take a selfie of it. I don’t know how anyone else is finding themselves on billboards in order to take a selfie. I wasn’t sure, but I didn’t think I’d ever been the subject of an ad campaign for anything. I wandered the earth searching anyway. Couldn’t find myself anywhere! But I did come close. I was wandering down a freeway in Manaus, Brazil, just about to give up, when I spotted my face in graffiti, peeking out over a billboard. CLOSE ENOUGH! I took a quick selfie, made my actual face peek into the frame just like my graffiti because that is silly, and here we are!

Kind of weird that my face is in graffiti in Manaus, Brazil, though. What’s up with that?billboardt.png

image attribution was not necessary but here’s a link anyway

Cobb and Ariadne Dream Construction: Lesson 2

Daily Create #1544

After their first dream building lesson went a little awry, Cobb realized the learning environment should be a little simpler to navigate than the busy streets of Paris. So his choice of setting for lesson 2 was Monument Valley in Arizona.

As you can see from the picture, they have a little less extraneous cognitive load as Ariadne learns to construct in this peaceful learning environment. Way to be flexible in your learning design, Cobb!

Featured Image modified from public domain image found in the Carol M. Highsmith Archive



Flagship Product From ACME’s New Interdisciplinary Line

Daily Create #1543 Design a New ACME Product.

Designer Rob Loukotka created a poster of every product Wile E. Coyote ever bought from them. This got back to the honchos at ACME, who haven’t sold a thing since 1994, and inspired them to begin developing new products again.

“We hadn’t ever seen all of our products on one page before. It made us realize that we could take some of our surplus just lying around, put them together to make new products!” Said CEO Larry Akammee the 3rd, probably. Hence the creation of the new Interdisciplinary Line of ACME products.

Pictured above is the flagship product from the new line: The Year-Round Dogsled Road Runner Chaser. Dogs were always more motivated to catch the Roadrunner than any inanimate object, so they were always a great choice for the chase. However, it’s not always winter everywhere. It’s often not winter at all and the sled just doesn’t slide nicely on dirt, sand and asphalt. No problem anymore as ACME has attached a snow making machine to the back of the sled. Other features include: it all being held together by cactus and magnets and of course a dozen live sticks of dynamite in the front of the sled.

The catalog image above was just blatantly and poorly cut and pasted from Loukotka’s poster. Visit his page view all of the images that have inspired the ACME Corporation to start up operations again. Well done, Rob!

A Trip to The Indie Ed-Tech Summit

Daily Create #1541  A couple of weekends ago, a pretty important event in Ed hyphen Tech occurred at Davidson College: The Indie Ed-Tech Summit. It seemed to be the right people at the right time to really get some momentum going towards putting the Indie in Ed-Tech. I wish I could have been there to learn from some of the most exciting thinkers and doers in ed-tech. However, because they are all wonderful bloggers, I got a lot out of the weekend without even being there. Keep on bloggin’ in the open world! Below are links to key blog posts about the event if you want to get caught up on it. The one new thing I can contribute here today, however, is found footage from the event. This GIF captures the moment during Kin Lane’s API Workshop that everybody’s mind clicked. The AHA moment that everybody experienced together.triptothesummit

All of these are excellent write-ups on goings-on at the Summit: Adam CroomJim GroomAudrey WattersAlan LevineKin Lane’s API Workshop. Sorry if I missed some other posts!
