New Album from Proto-Post Industrial Metapunk Stalwarts Hortapharm B.V.

This album cover made itself using the forces of randomosity and guidance from DS106 assignment bank

Step 1: Random Wikipedia Page Generator sends me to a pharmaceutical company focusing on Cannabis. Good start! Hortapharm B.V. is formed!

Step 2: Album name comes from a few words of the last quote on whatever page this link takes you to. This just happened to be a quote from Lady Gaga. I took the last 5 words: “Sequins Represent a Good Time“. Certainly couldn’t do any better with my own imagination.

Step 3: Get picture for album cover from an interesting Flickr page. Supposed to pick the 3rd one, but I took the 4th. Because it was weird enough for a weird band. Done. Created. I can hear it already.


Triple Troll

The Triple Troll, in spirit, is meant to irritate fans of three different things at once. This one went in a little bit of a different direction. This one will only irritate one fandom and the others won’t care at all. They are nihilists. They are too exhausted.

I trolled myself really, in the end. At first it was all ‘ha, ha, hoo, hoo’ put Bieber lyrics on a Nickelchad picture…hahahaha…. But then it got dark by adding two wonderful words: Joe Strummer. I’m sorry Joe. You said the future is unwritten. Does that mean we can unwrite this?

Say it Like The Peanut Butter

First ever GIF here for Western106 assignment and I went ultra complex using two whole images making the results worth two thousand words. Although lots of those words are the same so if you cross reference, eliminate remainders and carry the zero, it’s worth about 1150.

I fear I did not quite capture the essence of this scene, but this visual from Trainspotting always stuck with me. From Holy S%^t to S%^t-eating grin in 100 milliseconds. GIF is a hell of a drug.

