Gettin’ Bigger Air

A ways back I told you how I was getting a little bit of air time on In that post was a link to the pilot episode of Gettin’ Air.

Now we are up and running with 7 episodes!  Using the analogy of getting some air on our bmx bikes, we are now at the point where we are not petrified to ride up to the jump. And we will do it with a little more speed. That means we get a little more air time, which is more exhilarating. We are also at the point where we don’t crash land so much and do not need too many stitches in the aftermath.

But definitely when we are in the air/on the air, it’s nothing but fun. Well, fun for me anyways. You’ll have to ask the guest stars if they had a good time or not.

So far it has been fantastic to host the likes of Giulia Forsythe, Jenni Hayman, Joanne Kehoe (and to in turn be hosted by Joanne), Peg French, Ali Versluis, Claire Coulter, Sean Kheraj, Tom Peace and Aaron Langille.

We’ve chatted about open and technology enabled learning with all of these fine people and we can’t wait to do it again! Add a comment if you want to get some air with us and listen to an episode or two if you’d like.

Photo by Pamela Saunders on Unsplash

Mash All Night

#OpenEdMooc. Reasons for this post, as a “response” or as “adding to the discussion” on copyright and the commons, being the way it is:

  1. It’s very late
  2. I’m behind on my #OpenEdMOOC reading/watching
  3. The Cars
  4. Haven’t seen an #OpenEdMOOC GIF yet

The only thing I can do with copyright, especially this late at night, is mash it.


These three actual reflections on the week are so good. Please read them.

Opening the Citizenship Commons – Nate Angell

Don’t Gussy Up The Geese – Peg French

California Love – Lena Patterson




Horrifying Plan Paid with Cash

Who can resist an opportunity to point out the Deer in The Headlights state many of us are in when it comes to the Trump Presidential Show? This mashup assignment allowed me to do just that: pick one line from two movies (cheated a bit with one being  a TV show) and string them together to make a new thing. Also, since I am the first to submit to this particular assignment, my submission is technically the best one ever (other than the original example).

The scary thing is that the joker is looking sane and sensical and Trump is looking confident and unstoppable.

One Story/ Four Icons

One Story, Four Icons, A DS106 Design Assignment. Take four symbols or icons to represent a film. These four symbols here should remind you of a memorable film. What do you think it is? Click here to find out. Just kidding, this is the answer.

designassignmentonestory our icons

New Album from Proto-Post Industrial Metapunk Stalwarts Hortapharm B.V.

This album cover made itself using the forces of randomosity and guidance from DS106 assignment bank

Step 1: Random Wikipedia Page Generator sends me to a pharmaceutical company focusing on Cannabis. Good start! Hortapharm B.V. is formed!

Step 2: Album name comes from a few words of the last quote on whatever page this link takes you to. This just happened to be a quote from Lady Gaga. I took the last 5 words: “Sequins Represent a Good Time“. Certainly couldn’t do any better with my own imagination.

Step 3: Get picture for album cover from an interesting Flickr page. Supposed to pick the 3rd one, but I took the 4th. Because it was weird enough for a weird band. Done. Created. I can hear it already.


Triple Troll

The Triple Troll, in spirit, is meant to irritate fans of three different things at once. This one went in a little bit of a different direction. This one will only irritate one fandom and the others won’t care at all. They are nihilists. They are too exhausted.

I trolled myself really, in the end. At first it was all ‘ha, ha, hoo, hoo’ put Bieber lyrics on a Nickelchad picture…hahahaha…. But then it got dark by adding two wonderful words: Joe Strummer. I’m sorry Joe. You said the future is unwritten. Does that mean we can unwrite this?

OER16 is 3231 Miles Away

I’ll have to leave now for April and multiply this song by 6.462 (or 3.231 if you go by lyrics and not just the title) in order to get there on time! I made this with the Snipping Tool, Copying, Pasting, Photoshop, Low Mediocre Skill Levels and Just Enough Time to do a Poor Job of It.

Seriously though, I wish I could go.

The Retired Prospector

Levi spent his 40s, and the ’40s (1840s that is) panning, digging, clawing, mucking and chucking for gold in them hills, them dales, them vales and them northern, western and southern climes. Everywhere. He found enough to get by, if still being alive means he ‘got by’. But he’s down enough fingers and toes to be counted as statistically significant. And a bit of earlobe. And he ended the decade 45 pounds lighter. Let’s just say he wasn’t the best or luckiest prospector. So what did he get out of it? Stories. Stories that started in the Yukon and ended in Mexico. Started with a fortune, and ended in tragedy. And ones that went the other direction. That one’s not his though. His started near average and ended well below that. The graph looks mountainous. Not Himalayas though, more like Appalachians. And the end state of his story is not up any hill but down on the prairie. He spent his retired days telling them stories to anyone’d listen and buy him a round. You could tell he hadn’t given up the hunt for gold yet though. He was always hinting at that.  I’ll tell you more about Levi’s retired days later.
